“I may write”

Teachable Spirit is a blog about art and its humble process – usually in the form of art that I have created or talks that I have given – but this blog is from a special place in my heart – the place that is held only for a sibling.

This one is neither about art that I created nor words that I have shared. It’s about the celebration of an artist that some people met for the first time last week.

My eagle warrior and friend.

He displays so perfectly what a humble man looks like.

When asked if he was an artist he said he wasn’t but when corrected he said, “I may write”.

Ha! He writes. He “pours out his heart on paper”!

My brother Derrick Bauman along with the ROAM Gallery in Vancouver, BC celebrated the grand opening of “Painting and Prose” show this past week.



I wish I could have been there.

35 artists were brought together – 35 souls who like to create art.

A connector of people – Derrick has always been.


I stand amazed at the talent people have – but should I?

We are, after all, created in God’s image – we are image bearers of the Creator of this Universe.

Made to create.

We are capable of many amazing things. We just need to believe we can.


What will I choose to create this week?

What will you?

Derrick is one who unites and celebrates uniqueness. A quiet and humble leader who soars effortlessly through the sky like an eagle.  If all men were only half the man you are…

A perfect display of what a humble heart looks like.


“No wonder you have so many fans”

Denise and I get to call him brother.


Thank you for being brave enough to share your heart through poetry.  


I can’t wait to hang your art in my home.  I may go broke – I want them all!

Blessed beyond blessed.

You have taught me so much.

 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:3


*quotes from his friends on facebook
































the price of art.



This blog is probably more for me than for anyone – a platform to process thoughts and ideas.  I way to tell some of my stories through my art and hope that the words and pictures will at some point land on someone else eyes to help them find some clarify or at least know that our journeys are unique and equally important.

Most of my posts will attempt to encapsulate my journey through my paintings.  Most of my paintings are for other people but its what I get to experience while I make them that’s priceless.

I feel like paying people instead of receiving payment for my art.  They have no idea the gift they give me when I am invited to create a piece for their home.

no idea…

in fact neither did i until I was invited to do so.

March 2013 on a trip out West to visit family – my love for art was rekindled.  With the backdrop of the mountains and my siblings calm spirits I was invited back into the realm of creativity.

I was not expecting to be called back to the canvas. I hadn’t touched a paint brush since 1997.

I picked up a pencil in March of 2013 and started to sketch – and I couldn’t stop.  The pencil morphed into a brush and I’ve been painting ever since.

My math brain had a hard time understanding what was going on.  The equations didn’t make any sense.  What is this that has no exact answer or formulas to work with?

I look forward to reflecting on the paintings and sharing their stories – which in fact are my stories – little glimpses into my soul.

I hope my stories find you in a good place – and if they don’t I hope they help to move you to a better place.

A place where God so desperately wants us to be.